Jan 16, 2011

In need of positive thoughts!

My baby Móric got sick this morning.He refuses to eat and only drinks water all day and had some bad vomiting too.
He is now sleeping and I'm trying to fead him every half an hour but no success yet.
Tomorrow I'll bee picking up his medicine and hopefully he will feel better soon,we are all really worried about him.
Please send him some positive and healing thoughts!!

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  1. Moric, feel better little friend. Get as much rest and sleep as you can.
    Hugs and squeezes sent you way!
    Love you, xoxoxoxxo

  2. Sending lots of positive and healing thoughts yours and Moric way.

  3. Oh no - when my cat Jake was ill he liked chicken soup and when we first got Whisky (aka Woodle Doodle Dandy:)) the RSPCA recommended diluted evaporated milk to build him up. Its worrying when cats get ill so sending lots of positive thoughts Morics' way x

  4. Ajme jadan! Ja sam isto imala žutog mačka i njega sam najviše voljela!
    Brz oporavak mu želim :)

  5. Really hope he feels better soon ((hugs))
